Interior Design


Do you find picking colours, materials or furniture overwhelming? Are you not sure if the new plan for your space is optimised? There’s help to navigate these questions and focus on the important elements in your design decisions.


Picking Furniture

Creating an overall look can be challenging. Deciding on style, size, materials and layout can feel like too much. We often end up buying everything we like, even if the different elements might not go together, only to end up wanting to replace them in the long run. We might follow decor trends, which look great for a while but we grow tired of them too quickly.

Thinking about how a space is used, and by whom is an essential step to sourcing the right furniture. Picking the right sizes for the different elements can make a huge difference in how you feel in a space.

Creating the correct atmosphere by picking the right lights is an equally important element.

If you want help sourcing furniture, whether you like to create something cool on a budget or something grand with exclusive modern or vintage pieces, feel free to get in touch and have a chat.


Deciding on colour

Painting your home is another big decision, even if you just want to paint it white.

While we might know what colours we prefer, we also have to consider the room they are being put in. How much natural light does the room get? At what time of the day? What undertones will be preferential in what room? And as always, when is the room used and by who. Would a matt or shiny finish be better, or something in between?

Colour can have a big impact on how you feel in a space. Picking colours takes a bit of time. It’s best to consider your top picks in different lights at different times of the day, under different weather conditions.


Choosing materials

Choosing materials can be equally daunting. Just like with furniture we often end up liking too many items. This often happens to people, especially when choosing tiles. We decide to put a different tile in each room, so we don’t have to narrow down our choice. Or we see an example in a brochure and are surprised why the end result does not feel the same in our home.

While changing your mind about a piece of furniture or the colour of your walls is easier to amend, ripping out tiles because you regret your choice is a lot more costly.

Taking design decisions can be difficult but there is help to guide you through it. Together we can figure out your priorities and consider pros and cons of your various design preferences.